We all have our favourite sports, but which sports are the most popular around the world? The problem is coming up with a cl…
Read moreWe all have our favourite sports, but which sports are the most popular around the world? The problem is coming up with a cl…
Read moreQuestion: Suppose out of 100 transactions, 40 transactions have purchased both tea and coffee. Only tea but no coffee has…
Read moreQuestion: Suppose half of all the documents in a computer contain the word sports, and one third of all the documents cont…
Read moreQuestion: Consider the confidence values of tree association rules as follows: c1 =Conf(A→B) c2 = Conf(A → BC) c3 = Conf(A…
Read moreQuestion: Suppose there are 100 items, numbered from 1 to 100, and also 100 transactions, also numbered from 1 to 100. Ite…
Read moreQuestion: Suppose we have a transaction dataset from a supermarket, and the following information is available: 40% of all…
Read moreQuestion: Consider an itemset I = X ∪Y = X′ ∪Y′ and let X′ ⊆ X. Show that confidence of the association rule X ⇒ Y is greate…
Read moreQuestion: Consider the following two association rules: Rule1 : {bread, butter} → {milk, jam}, Rule2 : {bread, butter, m…
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