Data Mining: Association Rule Numerical Problem



Consider the following two association rules: Rule1 : {bread, butter} → {milk, jam}, Rule2 : {bread, butter, milk} → {jam}. If {bread, butter} is a closed itemset, then which of the two association rules will have higher confidence and why?

Answer: The confidence of an association rule Xidefined asConfidence = support(X union Y) / support (X)

Calculating Confidence:

For Rule1:   {bread,butter}{milk,jam}\{bread, butter\} \rightarrow \{milk, jam\}

Support({breadbuttermilkjam}) / Support(breadbutter)

For Rule2:   {bread,butter,milk}{jam}\{bread, butter, milk\} \rightarrow \{jam\}

Confidence({breadbuttermilk}{jam}) =Support({breadbuttermilk}) / Support({breadbuttermilkjam})

Since {bread,butter}\{bread, butter\} is a closed itemset:  Support (bread, butter) > Support (bread, butter, milk)

The denominator for Rule1 is larger than the denominator for Rule2.

​So, Rule1: will have higher confidence than Rule2.​


I am studying in M.SC Data Science at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kalyani University. I am an enthusiast blogger.

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