Numerical Problem


Consider an itemset I = X ∪Y = X′ ∪Y′ and let X′ ⊆ X. Show that confidence of the association rule

X ⇒ Y is greater than or equal to that of X′ ⇒ Y ′.


Given:    I=XY=XY′    and  XX

Proof:     Since,  I=X∪Y=X′∪Y′,  we know: Support(XY) = Support(XY)

This is because X∪Y and 
X' \cup Y'
represent the same set of items, so their support must be equal.

Given XXX' \subseteq X, it follows that:  Support(X≥ Support(X).

This is because XX' is a subset of XX, meaning every transaction that contains XX will also contain XX'.

The number of transactions containing X' is at least equal to those containing X.

Comparing Confidence: 

  1. Confidence of 𝑋𝑌Confidence(XYSupport(XY) / Support(X)
  2. Confidence of 𝑋𝑌Confidence(XYSupport(XY) / Support(X)
Since, Support(XY)=Support(XY)\text{Support}(X \cup Y) = \text{Support}(X' \cup Y') and Support(X)Support(X)\text{Support}(X) \leq \text{Support}(X') we have:

Confidence(XY)Support(XY)/Support(X​ ≥  Support(XY)​/Support(XConfidence(XY)

The confidence of the association rule XY is greater than or equal to that of XYX' \Rightarrow Y' when XXX' \subseteq X.

I am studying in M.SC Data Science at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kalyani University. I am an enthusiast blogger.

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